Sunday, November 21, 2010


Globalization is the act of increasing connectivity between people who live in various locations throughout the world with different cultures, customs, and languages. This is often done through technology such as telephones and the internet.
However, some cultures don't have access to the same amount of globalizing technologies, and those who do tend to dominate the global power structure. This idea is known as cultural imperialism. This is seen through the domination of Western ideas, as Western countries are more wealthy and typically dominate through their technological and economical strengths. This domination often leads to the assimilation of other cultures to the same, Western form, causing their own cultural diversity to be lost.
The U.S. is the dominant force in this Western cultural overload. The most well-known example of the phenomenon is the constant appearance of McDonald's no matter where you are in the world. McDonald's is a well-knwon American staple, and has grown to become a worldwide staple, as other cultures adopt the American principles.

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